Opportunità Formative e Professionali

Posizioni aperte, opportunità formative, lavorative o di crescita professionale proposte dai soci e di rilevanza per gli interessi della Società.

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  • Wednesday, March 18, 2020 17:51 | Luigi Cattaneo

    2-years project on executive functions and motor control by means of tractography-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation of the frontal cortex.- Requirements: PhD and some familiarity with computer programming. Position to be held at the CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - University of Trento starting in June.

    If you are interested or just want some information, mail: luigi.cattaneo@unitn.it

  • Monday, March 02, 2020 12:00 | Sabrina Bozzi

    The Group of Psychiatric Neuroscience at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) aims to discover the biological sources of differences between individuals that make them at risk of - or resilient to - psychiatric disorders.

    We have 2 open calls for research fellowships in neuroimaging genetics in different projects with two PIs:



    Ideally, the positions are targeted at postdoctoral fellows and funding is available for several years. Outstanding predoctoral candidates will be evaluated. Expected starting dates are between May and July 2020. Official deadline is March 18th.

    The group is headed by Prof. Alessandro Bertolino and investigates the association of genetic variability with brain phenotypes, with a special focus on subjects at risk for psychiatric disorders (for recent articles from the lab, see [1][2], [3]).  Successful candidates will work in the lab of Brain Imaging, Networks, and Data mining (BIND) directed by Dr. Giulio Pergola. The department has an in-house Elekta Triux magnetoencephalography with two dedicated technicians. Two 3T MRI scanners are available in collaborating hospitals. Prof. Giuseppe Blasi and his team have access to and routinely tests patients, relatives of patients, and individuals at risk for psychosis. The environment is interdisciplinary, including psychologists, biotechnologists, and MDs, and internationally oriented, e.g., including Marie Curie awardees Dr. Pergola and Dr. Linda A. Antonucci, along with several other members trained for > 1 year in UK, USA, and Finland.

    The ideal applicant is a neuroimager with international experience and a PhD in Neuroscience, Cognitive Sciences, Neuropsychology, Computational Science, or any quantitative research field. Coding experience (Matlab, R, Unix, and/or Python) is required, whereas machine learning and graph theory expertise are a plus. Successful candidates are expected to have at least one published/submitted lead author paper. We expect the successful candidate to be motivated and research-oriented. It is equally important to have a team-working attitude and a motivation to fit in the group. Proficiency in Italian is not required. 

    Consider applying even if you only have strong coding and analytic skills – definitely apply if you think you have smart ideas on how to analyze multimodal neuroimaging/genetic/neuropsychological data from hundreds of subjects.

    The University of Bari Aldo Moro is one the largest Italian universities (50.000 students, 1500 permanent professors and researchers, 1500 units of technicians and administrative staff). Bari is a sunny city located by the sea, and the third largest Italian city south of Rome. The cost of living is low relative to Italian standards.   

    Please contact Dr. Giulio Pergola sending a CV and the contact details of at least two references if you would like to have more information on the positions and on the ongoing projects, or if you need help with the application (giulio.pergola@uniba.it).

  • Wednesday, February 19, 2020 12:33 | Sabrina Bozzi

    Sarà presto disponibile un assegno di ricerca per un ricercatore post-doc per collaborare ad un progetto su plasticità cognitiva e cerebrale negli anziani sani, sotto la supervisione di Veronica Mazza e Carlo Miniussi 

    Il progetto intende verificare l’efficacia di diverse procedure di training sulle funzioni cognitive, e prevede l’uso combinato di misure comportamentali ed altre metodiche di neuro immagine. Il contratto iniziale è per 12 mesi, ma sarà esplorata la possibilità di estensione per altri 12/24 mesi. Lo stipendio netto sarà tra 1500 e 1800 Euro/mese.

    I/Le candidati/e devono dimostrare di possedere una forte esperienza di ricerca (p.e., documentata da pubblicazione di articoli scientifici in neuroscienze cognitive, psicologia, neurobiologia o ambiti affini). I/Le candidati/e ideali possiedono: articoli già pubblicati o sottomessi per la pubblicazione su riviste scientifiche internazionali peer-review, con metodi di neuroimmagine e sul tema dell’invecchiamento cognitivo); una buona competenza nell’ambito delle procedure di neuropsicologia clinica; forti capacità di programmazione e competenze nella comunicazione scientifica scritta ed orale (lingua inglese). Data la popolazione di soggetti, è inoltre necessario essere fluenti nella lingua italiana.

  • Friday, February 07, 2020 09:22 | Anonymous

    Bridging electrical, metabolic and functional resting state brain networks via simultaneously recorded multimodal (hd-EEG/PET/MR) data (BRAINMAP). This project aims at mapping the multivariate relationship between glucose metabolism measured with PET, and simultaneously acquired fMRI, DTI, and high-density EEG signals in order to understand the source of resting activity high metabolic rate. Expertise in one or more of the following fields is required: multi-modal neuroimaging, signal processing, and multi-variate statistics. Supervisor: Prof. Maurizio Corbetta.

    Inquiries about position: mailto:maurizio.corbetta@unipd.it



  • Friday, December 20, 2019 15:25 | Sabrina Bozzi

    PhD position at the Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Louvain (Brussels, Belgium)


    The Pain Research Lab at the UCLouvain tries to understand the neural mechanisms underlying the perception of pain and its impairments in humans. The lab is looking for a PhD candidate to conduct a research project aimed to investigate the influence of attentional processes on the development of central sensitization to painful stimuli using behavioral and physiological measures (see abstract below). The project will be supervised by Valéry Legrain.


    The project is funded by the F.R.S.-FNRSthe fund for Scientific Research of French-speaking Belgium, covering the salary of the enrolled PhD candidate for 4 years and his/her functioning budget. Position should start between 1st of January and 1st July 2020.


    The candidate should hold at the starting of the position a Master degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline such as Experimental Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Biomedical & Health Sciences. The candidate should have experience in designing experiments, collecting, analyzing and communicating data. He/she should have good communication skills in English (despite the French language is the official language of the institution, its mastering is not mandatory). Experience in programming is an added value (e.g. Matlab or equivalent). 


    The candidate should submit (1) a detailed CV summarizing experience, background, and communication outputs if available, (2) a summary of research interests, and (3) recommendation letters from at least two references. Please send the required documents as a single pdf file to Prof. Valéry Legrain (valery.legrain@uclouvain.be). There is not specific deadline to apply, applications will be considered until the position is filled.


    Summary of the project: Pain is an emergency signal warning the brain about the occurrence of a stimulus having the potential to damage the body. Sensitization is a process that consists in amplifying the response to pain consecutive to the repetition of the noxious stimulation. Sensitization is thought to play a role in the development of chronic pain. On the other side, psychological factors are known to modulate the experience of pain and are also suggested to play a role in the development and the maintenance of chronic pain. It is therefore hypothesized that cognitive factors such as attention could influence the risk of chronic pain by modulating the strength and the extent of sensitization. This project aims at observing in healthy volunteers the impact of attention on a lab model of sensitization of the central nervous system consecutive to repeated experimentally-induced painful electrical stimuli. More precisely, the project aims to manipulate the attention that participants direct to vs. discard from the painful stimuli during their induction and to observe how it modulates secondary hyperalgesia, i.e. the increased sensitivity to mechanical pinprick stimuli applied several tens of minutes later around the sensitized skin area. Manipulating different attentional aspects, it is predicted that voluntarily directing attention towards the sensitized limb will increase the consequences of sensitization. (for more details see here and here).



  • Tuesday, February 19, 2019 07:30 | Anonymous

    banner call 35

    We are happy to announce the opening of the 2019/20 Call for #PhD applications. The two PhD Programs, each with their own two multidisciplinary tracks, will welcome 32 of the best and brightest new students starting in November 2019. The Programs are now fully financed for up to 4 years and all admitted students receive a monthly scholarship, and free room and board on our beautiful #campus for the duration of the program.

    The Tracks offered are: Analysis and Management of #CulturalHeritage; Cognitive, Computational and Social #Neurosciences; #ComputerScience and Systems #Engineering, and #Economics, #Networks and Business #Analytics

    The #application is simple and entirely online (see link below). The deadline to apply is April 23rd 2019!


  • Friday, September 28, 2018 11:30 | Segreteria SIPF (Administrator)

    La Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS di Pavia bandisce un concorso pubblico, per titoli e colloquio, per il conferimento di n. 2 assegni di ricerca di durata annuale – rinnovabile per ulteriori 24 mesi (ulteriormente rinnovabile nei limiti di legge verificata la disponibilità dei fondi), sulla seguente tematica: "Applicazione delle metodiche di indagine neurofisiologica (EEG e TMS) nelle neuroscienze cognitive e cliniche (SSD M-PSI/02)"

    Per tutte le informazioni è possibile consultare il sito web della Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS

  • Friday, May 25, 2018 12:38 | Anonymous

    Quest'anno tra le borse di dottorato bandite dal CIMeC ce ne sarà una in convenzione con il Fatebenefratelli di Brescia per la quale sarò co-tutor. L'argomento è: "Connettività cerebrale anatomica ed effettiva nella malattia di Alzheimer: Un approccio multimodale di TMS-EEG e MRI". Vi chiedo se potete cortesemente diffondere il più possibile la notizia in questi giorni, visto l'avvicinarsi della scadenza per l'iscrizione al concorso, il 31 Maggio.
    Grazie in anticipo!


  • Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:00 | Anonymous
    Pubblicazione del Bando di ammissione al Corso di Dottorato di Neuroscienze (https://www.unimore.it/bandi/StuLau-Sdott.html), XXXIV ciclo – anno accademico 2018-2019. Il corso è attivato dall’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, in convenzione con l’Università degli Studi di Parma.

    Nello specifico, il Dottorato triennale include il curriculum di Scienze del Comportamento, il quale si focalizzerà su tematiche specifiche quali la valutazione dei fattori di rischio e di protezione dello sviluppo emozionale, cognitivo e della personalità nell’infanzia e nell’adolescenza, nonché il trauma e gli effetti indotti da violenze sessuali, fisiche e/o psicologiche – anche mediante l’utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali – nel corso dello sviluppo.

    Lo sviluppo di tali conoscenze e competenze scientifiche e culturali specifiche ed avanzate permetterebbe la crescita internazionale di studiosi, sia nell’ambito della ricerca, che dal punto di vista delle strategie di prevenzione ed intervento collaudate.
  • Wednesday, May 09, 2018 23:12 | Anonymous

    Are you looking for a 3-year fully funded PhD position in philosophy of mind? If joint action is your topic, please apply and join us!


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